Top Gear is going to be going into 2017!


Yes it is kind of hard to believe?

However Top Gear is going to be going into 2017! I thought since The Grand Tour came out that it was going to be the end of Top Gear now and forever 🙁

If you are not a fan or have no knowledge of what I am talking about then you need a bit of fill in as to what the shows are about.

Top Gear was pretty much THE car show to watch. Why you may ask? Well, in the beginning, it was not quite what it came to be. Three Gentlemen (I use the term loosely) Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May became the reason to watch the show. Some British chaps that not only are lucky enough to drive cars that only the very rich could afford but, joke with each other while doing so. Well until the ring leader Jeremy Clarkson mouthed off to a producer. Allegedly he punched him and was terminated from the show. The the other 2 Hammond and May left as they felt solidarity to Clarkson.

One of the better Top Cars raced on original Top Gear

So Top Gears producers (BBC) grabbed replacements Chris Evans (Replaced by Matt LeBlanc), Sabine Schmitz, Nick Best and Alistair Brownlee. Well things changed up rather fast as the new cast did not have near the chemistry A the original cast that left for the new show produced by Amazon named The Grand Tour.

Anyway the new cast of Top Gear had some severe issues in that they for the most part sucked. The producers tossed out Evan and replaced him with Matt LeBlanc in an effort to bring in viewers. Along with this an American version of Top Gear was produced and made it more seasons than I thought it would for the most part. However, upon researching the Top Gear franchise there seem to be quite a few in many other countries!

TG franchise
4 Top Gear Countries

Even though the Grand Tour has taken over, Top Gear is going to have another season in 2017!

Original Top Gear Funniest Compilation

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