Best Mud Bog Ever!


Best Mud Bog Ever!

I used to love to go mud bogging back in the day but occasionally you would hit a water crossing that was a bit deeper than you originally thought 🙁 Now this is the Best Mud Bog Ever!

Mud Bog Epic Fail
Mud Bog Epic Fail

This video shows what was obviously someones serious mistake or Epic Fail as they tried to go across what they thought was a quick water crossing 😯 I really think this will be a lesson well taught 😛

We had a similar water crossing at a place in Forked River New Jersey that we used to go to during Holiday weekends. It was a large pond. It was almost big enough to be considered a lake possibly but, if it was a drought season it shrank down to a pond size it seemed. Anyway it had an odd handle shape to it if you saw it from overhead kind of. That had spot you could drive across cause there was a dirt bridge under the water. You just didn’t want to drive off the bridge or you would wind up like the truck in this picture 🙄

I do remember one day that some guy showed up with a M715 on Deuce and a Half axles with Big Foot style Terra Tires. He drove out into the deep section of the lake one day and guess what it did. Yup it floated, then he hit the throttle and just drove across the deep part of the lake. It was cool as all hell but, I lost the tape of it happening.

Actually I may still have it but on an older Windows 2000 computer. So I’ll have to hook that up to my network and see if I can find any of those old videos so I can put them up. That would be cool if I could find those vids 😛

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