2 Lowerd Custom Double Cab Volkswagens
At the show in Bound Brook on Rt28 there were some nice custom VW’s but you don’t see 2 Lowerd Custom Double Cab Volkswagens often or at all in NJ.
2 Lowerd Custom Double Cab Volkswagens big engine Buses 😯 Wish I could have got more information on either of these 2 but it was crowded and couldn’t see the owners. So this is as much as I got for any VW fans.
I have since learned that one of these 2 custom Volkswagen Buses belongs to the guy that owns a Supercharged VW Beetle that I have elsewhere on my blog. Turns out from what I have been told the guy is either deaf or hard of hearing 😕 That would be an interesting thing in that Volkswagen Flat 4 engines are quite noisy and require you to be able to hear the noise to diagnose things.
Then if you add a Supercharger to the mix how will you ever hear if the engine is detonating on you at full throttle? If you keep in the throttle with the engine detonating you will most likely hurt the engine pretty bad. I have done so while just running 48IDA Weber carbs. Melted a piston because one went lean on me so the engine is less indestructible than I thought 🙁
Either way it doesn’t matter at this point as neither of these Buses are supercharged. They are cool as all hell as far as I’m concerned and wouldn’t mind driving around in one for the summer. Would be a lot more interesting than the VW Bus I remember having to drive in as a kid. Even though it was a later model one it was still a slow Beige lumbering VW Bus that I didn’t really want to be seen driving around in 🙁
This on the other hand I wouldn’t mind 🙂
2 Lowerd Custom Double Cab Volkswagens
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