Mutli Carbureted 4.6 MOD engine
Multi Carb MOD engine
Mutli Carbureted 4.6 MOD engine is more a bit of a joke as this was made to prove to someone on a FB post that you could fake anything easily enough.
On the other hand there have been enough MOD engines out there that have switched back to not only a Carburetor but, at times a Distributor too 😕
I would not go as far as doing a Distributor again with the MSD crank triggers and other options out there. That and in the video I would substitute Manley Rods for any MOD engine I was to build as I have used them in the past on a 1000HP street MOD engine. Well actually 2 that I built that made the kind of HP on Pump Gas to boot!
Of course the two engines I built had a roots style supercharger on them making it a forced induction electronic fuel injection deal. So yes they both are not Carbureted but, hey they made insane power and one is allegedly installed in a celebrities car?
Anyway back to the subject at hand. On a daily driver deal I would prefer the Fuel Injection these days. I have run into problems with the FI on my MOD Lincoln that I wished I had Carburetors just because it is much easier to diagnose at times when I didn’t have a scanner handy. That and I most likely would have a Distributor too as I have had enough Coil on Plugs go bad too.
Well again this was all made as pretty much a joke to me to prove someone not wrong but, how easy it is to pose something. However if you do a little research you can find people that have done exactly what you are trying to prove is either old school or not needed anymore 🙄
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