Who uses a Lamborghini to tow goats around in a box trailer!!


Who sells a Hitch for this?

Who uses a Lamborghini to tow goats around in a box trailer!! Well as I asked who sells trailer hitches for Lamborghinis is my other main question?

Need I say more?
Lambo and Goats

Other than that Goats pull a lot of power in out text message group that I am in anyway. Finding pics of Goats in stupid memes pulls a bit of clout to let you know how incredibly warped we are 🙄

Goats behind a Lamborghini
Yeah Goats

Now aside from about the only other country I would want to live in being Australia in the first place, well this just tops it off.

Hitch on Lambo
Who made the Hitch?
Any country that you see a Lamborghini Murcielago towing farm Animals at is a country I can deal with!
Hitch not needed for Lambo
No Hitch Here
Gotta tow your bike
Lambo Harley Tow
So looking for a trailer hitch it seems according to U-Haul You will need to custom make a hitch for your car 🙁 Well that does not surprise me at all really however and I have seen way worse anyway.

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