VOLVO A30G Joie Chitwood style


Yes this is what think!

This is a VOLVO A30G Joie Chitwood style proving it’s abilities at an even in Germany. Not that I don’t think they would do this in the US but, props to the driver and operator for figuring this out 😯

Stranger things may have been done
Who thought of this action with a Volvo A30G?

In the beginning of the show they take the VOLVO A30G through some deeper holes proving the bed would not dump what ever load it would possibly be carrying.


Stunt driving with Volvo
How does it not fall over?

So at first it seems somewhat impressive seeing what this machine is capable of. However as it starts circling the large dirt pile where the Track How is sitting they seems to sink up for an unknown reason

Then all of a sudden something starts to unfold that makes you wonder if it was planned or not 😕 Yeah the operator of the track hoe starts to pull the bed of the VOLVO A30G over to a 90 degree angle! It is being done while the A30G is in motion mind you.
3 wheeling instead of 2 wheeling
Getting a view of the underside




However the machines keep in synchronization the entire time proving either that the machines are very easy to drive. Or that the operators are that good, you be the judge on that part.

Stunt with A30G Volvo
What is going on with this VOLVO/

Now after seeing this event you also have to wonder how many US construction workers will try something like this now 😕 I can almost hear the excuses that they tell the sight managers as to how the machine got rolled over when they fail to successfully accomplish this well executed demonstration. “Uh, yeah like this DEER jumped out in front of me and I flipped it trying to avoid it” is an excuse possibly used?

Nearly flipping this VOLVO
Is it at 90 degrees?

Of course what speed would you have been driving to get this piece of equipment to flip or roll over in a situation like this. At least to convince the Supervisor that if was an accident 😛

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