Ultimate VW Beetle 2.3 swap Rat Rod!
Ultimate VW Beetle 2.3 swap Rat Rod!
Ultimate VW Beetle Rat Rod! Or is it as a Rat Rod normally has an over the time V8 put into a rather undersized car. That making it look cartoonish most of the time.
I have seen plenty of Volkswagen based Rat Rods but this one using a Straight 4 engine and a Pick Up bed has got to be one of the oddest ones yet?
OK oddest but then again that could make it the best so to speak 🙂 Think about it at this point because having a Rat Rod is all about being different. So this is using a Ford Pinto 2.3 over head cam engine in it. It is a good lil engine in it’s own right and should prove to be very reliable for powering this Rat Rod.
Then you have the actual base for the rod itself that was used being a Volkswagen. Some people such as my brother get all upset that a VW was cut up like this for use as a Rat Rod because they can never be returned to normal. My thought it it held the world record a the highest production car for quite a while until the Corrolla took the record away. So there are still plenty of VW Beetles out there to be had if a few fall to being a Rat Rod.
Then at least this one turned out to be a very interesting Rat Rod and it was saved from becoming scrap metal and eventually becoming a Toyota Coralla 🙄
Not that it was a first but because it was the first to combine all the features at one time I would say. I mean it could have used a Volkswagen engine but instead it looks like a Chevrolet possibly? Nah it’s looking like a 2300 Ford Pinto engine on second look…
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