Twix Iroc on Craigslist
Should be left in a Barn
This Twix Iroc on Craigslist is almost worth it for the price! I am saying this in the sense that you could paint over the Twix BS at the least.

I am not a DONK fan in any way shape or form for the most part. Now am I a F-body or 3rd Gen Camaro fan either. I have worked on enough of these in the past putting either Nitrous Oxide in them or some form of Supercharger back in the late 80’s

That is why I thought this could be saved to some extent. It seems to be a solid starting point for the most part? Here are his Pro’s about the car

Then there are the Cons of the car. OK we all know what the real Con is but he listed some others besides the obvious LMAO

So my only real thought about the use of this car personally would be the interior. Not like I was ever looking for a 3rd Gen IROC trust me but, if I could get that stupid TWIX off the side I would consider making this a daily driver. Well that after taking the DONK ride out of it too.

Sure it could make a decent daily driver for the most part as I am putting to many miles on my Mark VIII leaving state everyday. So that would make this car a perfect daily beater for the most part. As long as I could cover the stinking TWIX crap up and then I would have no problem with the interior. Stereo seems a bit dated too but, as long as it functions it’ll be good enough for me for the daily commute.

Plus where I work I could probably sell if off for more then I bought it for?
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