Tucker Snow Cat in action
Tucker Snow Cat in action
Saw one of these on Facebook and just had to see one in action. Don’t know how I never saw one before as it seems to be the vehicle to have when it comes to snow anywhere in the world 😕
Even after this winter (Polar Vortex) we just had in New Jersey I don’t think we had near enough snow to justify one of these. Not saying I still don’t want one. Just saying what the hell am I going to do with it if for some reason I wound up with one is the question.
Now this looks more like what it was designed for. Arctic tundra where no vehicle with tires is welcome for the most part. Looks about right to be owning or driving one of these if you back 40 is covered in snow 365 days a year if you ask me.
Now this is a much later model of a Tucker Snow Cat as it was delivered in 2008. So looking at the older ones that are powered by a flathead 6 cylinder Dodge engine makes you think this things are Model T Ford aged 😕 However seeing this later model one that makes me think it could actually be a diesel even? That would be a much more civil looking vehicle to have in the snow I would think? Although I have a flathead 6 in a 1939 Plymouth and that thing always started no matter how cold out it was.
Would spit out heat pretty quick as those Flathead engines ran the exhaust through the engine block. So they seem to heat up quite a bit quicker than your normal overhead valve engine.
Now this Mini looks like it would be light enough to just float over the snow but, from watching this lil footage of it I am not thinking it does to good for some reason 🙁
Awe screw it Winters over now so why worry about it 🙄
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