Super Rare Ferrari or?


Super Rare Ferrari or?

So a acquaintance tells me “You gotta see the car some guy has me fixing up for him”! So I get to his shop to check it out and at first I was “Wow a Dino”!

Ferrari Dino?
Ferrari Dino?

Hey wait something just is not looking right about it? Then as I walk around it, aside from noticing the cheesy plastic  headlight covers (which I was told got melted from a fire the car was next to). Well then I see the Flat 4 air cooled VW engine in the back. However it’s not a standard VW Kit car as it doen’t have a VW Beetle Pan under it. I was told it has a steel tube frame basically and the rest is just a fiberglass body. So it weighs nothing for the most part but the owner also said he wants it upgraded to a Subaru Engine for more power.

I’m thinking it would really make it kinda odd then as a Ferrari/VW/Subaru. Quite a mash up of manufactures? That way a Turbo EJ205 or EJ257 could be put under the rear hood and make a few hundred Horsepower. Then if you wanted to make this a bit of a fearful toy you could crank up the boost and make 500 or more Horsepower. Then you would be close to or actually even more than the real Ferrari and embarrass someone who spent a few hundred thousand dollars on their car.

Not only that, you wouldn’t have to go to one of those Ferrari mechanics and pay out the butt for just simple tune up stuff. Nope you would be able to go to Autozone or Advanced to get your “Ferrari” parts and put them in yourself! Yes it’s a win win scenario as far as I’m concerned for you to have a Ferrari in your garage and not have it cost more than the House you live in 🙂

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