Straight Axle Gasser Galaxy Burnout on the Pad at Pre Lead East Show.


Straight Axle Gasser Galaxy Burnout on the Pad at Pre Lead East Show.

Straight Axle Gasser Galaxy Burnout on the Pad at Pre Lead East Show.
Straight Axle Galaxie Smoking em on a Burnout Pad

So this was a pretty cool Gasser Galaxie that has a bit of a following for it’s style here in New Jersey.

The car seems to have been built very well and looks awesome but, when you take a closer look at it something my shock you 😯

Yes, it is a Straight Axle Gasser from the looks of it and you would expect to see some form of Side Oiler under the blower. Matter of fact you would kind of expect to see a CAMMER wedged in the engine compartment to make it all authentic if you ask me. Well thats if you can find such a rare power plant these days.

Guess he was not able to find such a power plant as it has a Big Block Chevy under that Blower 🙁

Yeah, it is not quite what you would expect to see in a Ford Gasser now is it 😕
However, this engine would be tons cheaper and make reliable power with no problems what so ever. Yeah I know the SOHC FE CAMMER could make the power easy as all hell but, just try getting the parts to do so. Then as I know someone with 2 of them brand new in the shipping crate good luck getting them to sell them to you!
Burnout Slab
Pulling up to the Burnout Slab
Then have fun trying to find Cam shafts or at the very least a Blower Manifold for such a rare engine. Heck, I say a guy selling a set of stock valve covers for a SOHC engine and I think you could buy a new MOD blower setup for what he was asking for them. So it is looking like a Big Block Chevy was a good swap instead of a CAMMER. That or any Side Oiler engines that are starting to demand a steep price even though they are weak blocks. Yes I have seen enough 428FE Side Oiler blow up now myself.

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One Comment

  1. The epextrsie shines through. Thanks for taking the time to answer.

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