Semi Cleaned Packard Hearse


Semi Cleaned Hearse

So this is the Semi Cleaned Packard Hearse that was found in a car port next to a Barn since the 1970’s. So it is pretty much a Barn Find at this point in time.

It is a fairly rare 1954 Packard which is a vehicle I never really associated with Hearses. This one as I posted in the other posts has a straight 8 4 barrel engine with a three on the tree standard transmission.

1954 Packard Hearse
Barn Find Packard Hearse

Also something that I was not really used to seeing is that this one has suicide doors in the rear. Sort of like a JFK Lincoln, not really sure if I remember seeing to many 4 door Hearses in my life?

Aside from this being a Manual Transmission Hearse (yet another thing not seen anymore) it was a three on the tree to boot! Different in my book yet again. Then there is this Packards history of being a daily driver for a College student.

Not only was it a daily for school but, was driven from Michigan to New Jersey quite a few times to boot! Just think of doing something like that today. Not saying it is not down cause you know how college people are at times. It’s more of a straight 8 three on the tree driving all the way back and forth to Michigan and New Jersey is the killer to ne.

You know this didn’t get good gas milage in any way shape or form with the straight 8 4 barrel and the weight of a Hearse too. All in all this dealership scored this Hearse that matched another ’54 Packard Hearse they had that was mint. This particular one was sold to someone who was set on restoring it. I do believe it went to Kentucky but, do not know if that is where the restoration was to be done of that is it’s new permanent home?

Semi Cleaned Hearse

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