Semi Barn Find C1 Vette
Semi Barn Find C1 Vette
Why semi barn find you may ask? Well you will have to watch the video to make your own decision on what you would consider a barn to be 😕

Aside from where it was found, how original is it going to be with the engine being out and taken apart is the question. The convertible body looks nice but when he runs the numbers are the engine pieces going to the original for the car? I would have to say if they are the originals and he rebuilds it you cant say anything bad about that move cause it’s original numbers matching right 🙂
Now seeing as this is an older Corvette the price could be fairly low for the most part. It is not a Fuelie for the most part so it can’t demand that much money. I have a collector restoration expert not to far away from me that deals in the 60’s Vettes that bring in the big bucks.
Haven’t seen or spoken to him for over a decade but, he had a complete shop built in his back yard that he restored the cars in. I do remember hearing stories of him buying simple things like Shock Absorbers and Fan Belts but, paying $1500 for them. Why would someone pay this astronomical price for something so simple 😕 Well because they are date coded to the year of the cars manufacturing date.
So just think, you could buy some simple parts today for a car from the parts department and if you keep them long enough the price could go threw the roof 😯
Yeah you will have to pick the right parts and hope that the car becomes that collectable. How great would you feel that you sold a serpentine belt for $800 or a $1000 dollars cause it would be the right part for a ZR1 😛
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