See a Rotary Powered Car at Englishtown and was lucky enough to see FLAMES!
See a Rotary Powered Car at Englishtown and was lucky enough to see FLAMES!
Rotary’s are kinda known for being obnoxiously loud in race cars so I stopped to video how loud this thing was gonna be.

Luckily I stopped and waited to see how obnoxious this thing was going to be. So I am sitting there watching the back bumper vibrate with the freaking obnoxious Rotary brap braping away. Of course all the kids that love these things start to show up for who knows what reason 
I was getting ready to shut my camera off as it was getting a bit annoying standing behind this thing (my ears were starting to hurt). That and I figured who was gonna really car about a Mazda warming up in the pits anyway
Well, low and behold the driver goes to blip the throttle and when he does this thing must have been a wee bit loaded up? So boom
OK OK no real boom but, boy did I feel the heat on my face even standing that far back from this car! It put out some serious BTU out of the flame thrower exhaust show!
I was actually waiting for something to catch on fire after that first flame out
Unfortunately no such luck on that front. That might have got me some decent views when a Rotary went up in flames in the pits. So seen enough of them blow up on the track or during the launch, just not idling in the pits. I did get lucky enough to see a BMW Turbo spin a bearing in the staging lanes when he brought it up on boost and then when he let out of the throttle all you heard was the knocking of a rod. That and the cursing by the driver-owner
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See a Rotary Powered Car at Englishtown and was lucky enough to see FLAMES! is an outstanding share. Thanks for this writing.