PT-19 Airplane Engine Start on test stand
PT-19 engine on test stand
Jacktown had a Radial Engine running on a stand last year so I was a bit surprised to see a 4 cylinder engine on the stand this year.

So waiting to see this engine start and it was completely different than I thought it was going to be
This engine seemed easier to start than most of the Hit & Miss engines I saw on Saturday
This is an engine that I have seen in many magazines and have seen flying in air planes before. However I had never seen one on a stand much less running on one in front of me
Although the radial was more exciting to watch to me seeing a PT-19 engine was a cool thing to ad to my list of engines I have seen close up. Well not only close up but, running on a test stand that basically takes the cake as far as seeing any engine.
Hopefully I will be able to see an OX engine next or possibly a rotary engine on the test stand? If you know what a rotary engine is then you know what I mean. That and it would have to be hand started too.
I have seen multi row radials that used to power a super fortress but, that was in a museum twice. So it is not nearly as impressive along with seeing Alison engines powering Tractor Pullers. Again neat but, not quite as cool a seeing it on a test stand right in front of your face running.
Maybe one day I will get a chance to see a JUMO engine running on a test stand? You can look it up cause those are diesel engines from German fighter planes during World Way II. They had their own sound so hearing one on a test stand would be awesome!
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