Poor Mans Bugatti Quad Turbo 6.0 LS Camaro


Think what ya want but, it’s different!

This 2nd Gen LSX swapped Camaro is not only sporting a junkyard swapped 6.0 in place of an old school Small Block. Then one step further the owner added 4 turbos!

Junkyard Swap
This is it!

Yes the 2nd Gen Camaro is not really a good car to start your Drag project with as it weighs too much. However, nobody can really afford a 1st Gen 67-69 Camaro these days so beggars can’t be choosers at times.

Drag Racing Camaro
In the Burnout Box

Asside from the addition of a turbo the owner decided to swap in 4 Turbo’s of small size. I mean what the hell they are cheap and the Bugatti isn’t the only one that can run four Turbo’s right?

Quarter mile times
It gets quicker
Seeing as this has a Dana 60 under the rear and seems to be sitting a bit high in the rear I don’t think he has really set the car up all that well. With some more work he can most likely get the ET further down and the mph up some more.
Camaro beats Mustang
Taking a Mustang first time
Then he will probably get tossed out of the track as this car does not seem to have to best safety setup yet either. Anyway you want to look at it I highly doubt you are going to see any Junkyard swapped MOD engines sporting 4 Turbos in any Mustangs at the track.
The MOD engines have not proven themselves to be as forgiving after being beaten on like the LS engines that I have seen. Hey, I know the Ford bunch is gonna get all upset and start claiming but, the Cammer or something like that from way back in the past. Or the newer MOD engines that have superchargers on them from the factory that you can buy online. However, they are not junkyard rescue engines with junkyard turbos on em either.

Goofy but, this Camaro gets the point across 😛

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