Police Chase Biker in East LA


This was a very interesting Police chase that went on for miles and miles all the way to surface streets in East LA until it finally came down to a foot chase so to speak 😕

Police Chase
Police Chase

Not being able to see what the Motorcycle was that was being chased but it didn’t quite matter as a small Bike would have been able to do the same thing in the traffic out there. Either was they had the California Highway Patrol along with the LosAngels Police combining forces to try to capture this rider.

They even hd what looked like possible Eco Boost Explorers chasing the Biker on the Highways. I have a friend that moved out there from the East Coast and I wondered for a but if it could have been him but, knowing my friend they would never have got that close to catching him. Plus he doesn’t live that close to LA.

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