Nissan Parked like Douche!
This tool bag obviously wanted he car to be keyed by someone parking like this in a packed lotQ
PARKING FAIL!!! Yes you have seen the A Holes that do this all the time. Most likely a Mommy or Daddy bought car and then they think they are driving a Rolls or a Bentley 🙄
So as I took this shot and thought to myself what can I do to this car to teach this tool a lesson, all of a sudden I hear some voices. It is the owner of the car and his buddies coming out of the restaurant. Real loud I hear him saying “Wait till you see how I parked my car so nobody can hurt it!”.
Then I hear his friend say “If I saw someone parked like that I would go over and key the crap our of their car”. I was just about to congratulate his friend for saying that to reinforce that the 350Z owner was a Douche Bag but, I just kept my mouth shut and listened to what the other guys said. Which wasn’t much for the most part cause I rounded the corner and lost what they were saying.
I actually parked like that at one point in time but, it was at my Work. Not in a public parking spot so I would think that would be a little better. Reason I did it too was the car I was driving was not only brand new along with being a Honda S2000 Sports Car, it also wasn’t mine so I didn’t want it’s first door ding to be on my using it. Aside from that the machine shop I worked at was kind of known to have a bunch of tools driving ratty cars and trucks 🙁
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