Worlds most Powerful Car!
Don’t ask me why, it should be obvious is why!
6000 Horsepower Top Fuel Engine and then 2 Pulse Jet engines to give it that last bit of oomph!
Now I don’t know about you but, I want one 😛 No but, seriously what the hell could you do with this thing? Yeah most likely drive it around fair ground or swap meets. Well that is if they let you drive it around a swap meet as the Englishtown Raceway Park swap meet buy me gives you crap for driving a Z50 around now 🙁 You get the rental cops searching lot to lot for you if the catch you driving any motorized vehicles on the premises during the swap meet unless you bought a Tag or some BS.
I always see people driving stuff around anyway. We still get a guy that shows up with a recliner that has a Briggs and Stratton engine mounted under it someplace. The guy drives it all over reclined but, I still can’t figure out how he steers it 😕 That plus I really don’t think he would last very long cruising around if he powered it with a Pulse Jet now would he. We do get bored and do other stupid things at the swap meets as the day drags on. Sorta like burning things and setting off fireworks as usual. Yeah that gets security there pretty fast but there is nothing left for them to discover or take to impound when they show up. We did pull off a good one and I was lucky enough to have a video camera to catch it at the time. That would be blowing up an air bad that nobody would buy. It was from a DSM if I remember correctly but, what does that matter as it was getting destroyed when we set it off anyway 😛
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