Maverick started with Hammer


I know what your going to say but, he is using a screwdriver as the Key! Yeah yeah that was used on the solenoid so we could be out to see if the engine was turning over or not?

However on to the story of how this Ford Maverick started with Hammer (Ford Wrench in most peoples vocabulary) had to be used to make it turn over again.

So it would seem that the owner of this Maverick had in the neighborhood of 20 or 30 cars that he accumulated over the years. He stored most of them in his swampy back yard in a Pole Barn with a Dirt Floor. As I said it was a swamp in the spring so of course there was lot of moisture trapped in the barn all the time. This car escaped with almost no body rot at all and he started to restore it years ago but then stopped as he got more cars. It got stuck on the back burner and forgotten about until he finally just gave up on all the cars and put em up for sale at a friends used car dealership. The car was being sold along with a 4 door Maverick with a bad body but a good engine with 5 lug axles and spindles.

BMFH Ford Tool in action
Start with a BMFH

So in trying to get this engine to run was not to get it running to sell it as a normal car. It was being sold as a body along with an upgrade drivetrain in a parts car. Or a good starting point for a V8 swap Hot Rod. As it turns out the car sold to someone and the parts 4 door Maverick is still available to anyone who needs a parts car for a project.

Update as the 4 door Maverick made it’s way to the scrap yard finally 🙁

Maverick started with Hammer
Maverick started with Hammer

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