Lycoming R-680 Closeup with Variable Pitch Prop


Lycoming R-680 Closeup with Variable Pitch Prop

Lycoming R-680 Closeup with Variable Pitch Prop
Lycoming R-680 Closeup with Variable Pitch Prop

Was at the JackTown Hit n Miss/Steam show and ran across this Lycoming Radial setup for a show on this trailer stand. It was quite interesting so I stayed as close as possible to keep anyone from standing in my way of getting Video. Was very interesting to be next to the prop while it was changing pitch and making it’s own Tornado!

Every time I go to this show it is a new Airplane engine that is set up to make some runs on the stand. This radial was the first time I had been to the show so I stuck around close to get a good video of this engine.

The next year they brought a straight 6 engine instead of the radial but, to me it wasn’t quite as interesting. Even though it had a wind up starter to get it running 😕 I have that video on this site too if you search for Jacktown PT-19 or just hit this link.

All in all this show is very interesting as there is a bit of everything. Anything from the old Hit n Miss engines to Steam Tractors and engines. Then lawnmowers powered by engines you would never expect to be used for such a purpose 😕 Then there is a saw mill powered either by a Steam Tractor or an old Gas Tractor.

Even antique motorcycles have been there from Canada or very small tracked Caterpillars driving around the fairgrounds. Also there is a section where people bring in restored and modified vehicles. Also another great thing to see is the antique tractor pulls with tractors you not only are lucky enough to see but, to watch actually pulling sleds in a pulling competition 😯

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