Is a Chinese CNC Mill actually worth it?


I have actually wondered?

Is a Chinese CNC Mill actually worth it? Well, I had always seen the adds and wondered myself if a cheap CNC Mill could actually mill any real metal other than just etching or simple things like that?

Cheap Plastic
Plastic Mill Frame

As you can see whoever made this video was rather doubtful that it was going to work too.

Cheap parts
Broke on assembly

Also to my shock the mill IS made out of plastic! So unless you really investigated the adds for a CNC mill such as this, you may not have noted the plastic frame it is made out of or imagined how brittle it is?

Easy test
Foam test cut
So while watching this video and noting that it is covered in some gritty filthy coating? I have also had the same experience with some cheap stuff I have purchased from a certain China-based business before also 🙄
OK besides the Chinese slamming on how it comes rather dirty out of the box, the assembly instructions are a crappy google translation that you cannot understand. So the pictures pretty much tell you how to assemble it kind of like LEGO from back in the day 🙂

Anyway I have noticed that as I look at things on Banggood that is an eBay of sorts but, for Chinese manufacturers. Well, they have been throwing Ball Screw pieces my way. Then stepper motors after that too. That is kind of making me think of making my own CNC milling machine that would be infinitely better than this unit.

Part of the reason that I say it would be infinitely better is that I have access to a machine shop I work in daily. So no plastic BS pieces if I went so far as to actually make my own CNC Mill. My main issue with making my own machine would not be the making of the electronics parts as I can obviously buy them pre-assembled but, it would be on the actual spindle motor itself.

I would not be using a Router motor that is going to be 5 or 10 thousand RPM. I would actually want to use a geared down motor with some actual torque or sorts but, that would then make me need better stepper motors. That would lead to needing to make the frame out of steel instead of aluminum.

I am seeing myself just needing to go buy a used CNC Mill and saving myself a lot of time and effort. Then again what is the fun in doing that instead of creating my own CNC mess…

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