How the hell does PewDiePie have 10 Billion views
I am still clueless?
So again How the hell does PewDiePie have 10 Billion views is my question. Yes some of his stuff is funny but, come on 10 Billion views?!

I just saw a clickbait add if Facebook today and it had a list of the top earners on YouTube with PewDiePie being number one of course.

He made over 12 million dollars, yes you read that right over $12,000,000.00 from his YouTube videos!

Now I know a lot of people are thinking well he must have a killer website or something magic like that? NO, he made that off of his YouTube views of all things!
I mean seriously you have to have an insane amount of views to be getting that kind of money from YouTube. Well seems he is cause this video on this page was over 2 million that yesterday when I looked at it. Then today when I went to link it there were over 8 million views!

Then there is the thing he does. He freaking records himself playing video games or web games and stuff like that?
I’m just not getting it. How in hell does he get that many vies over something as simple as this?
Oh and the real biggie is he is not even American! Not that this means what you may think it is trying to mean. No it’s not an America number one spout but, more of a he did not grow up in America with the internet BOOM mindset that I see all over here. Or watching American Television and getting the Humor that you would think someone pulling over 10 Billion views would need?
I guess he just has some kind of mindset that transcends to a common comedy that everybody else seems to like? Or at least something that I wish I could tap into?!
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