Freak Bike, Pro Street motorcycle


Freak Bike, Pro Street motorcycle

Driving through a town I saw this Freak Bike, Pro Street motorcycle parked in a parking lot around noon or so. Not sure what it must be like to ride on the streets 😕

Sick Bike

Seriously the town I was driving through has horrific roads. It goes underwater almost once a year even after the Army Core of Engineers built huge doors to attempt to hold back the overflowing rivers. Of course the first time that they closed the gates nobody bothered to close the sewer system valves and they water just came out of the sewers 🙄

Suzuki Hyabusa
Drag Look

Well aside from Bound Brook have major flood issues that now cause other towns to flood instead of theirs, it seems someone has the balls to drive a bike like this in it. Can’t imagine this bike being in any way shape or form quite. Then being stretched swing arm and somewhat lowered up front I can’t see it being that much of a joy to drive around town?

Not to say I wouldn’t want a Pro Street Hayabusa of my own if it was offered to me. Heck no I like Pro Street stuff even if it can’t hold up to it’s looks. Anyway you want to look at it you can hit up any car show or or bike cruise night with a ride like this. OK OK so I must like it seeing as how I actually stopped to take pictures and a video of it right?


Then of course my Note 3 that I took it with started to dump the video as the Kit Cat update has screwed it up big time. On second Note 3 from Verizon and it is already deleting videos and pictures after a few weeks 🙁 and don’t say go iPhone cause I won’t drink that Apple Kool Aid 🙁

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