Classic Cadillac V8 engine just sitting around
Classic Cadillac V8 engine just sitting around

So when I stopped by my used car dealership I was greeted by an original Cadillac V8 engine sitting on the floor. It’s a 1960 or so engine I do believe? Not that I am to big a fan of Caddy engines but I definitely could see this engine in a Rat Rod or some other Street Rod. It really has a classic look when you see Cadillac on the Valve Covers. That and they look good with old go fast parts if you can find them at a swap meet?
I do believe that this engine came along as a spare for one of the many Cadillacs this dealership has. Not sure which car it was supposed to go into anymore. At the times they had quite a few 1959 and 1960 Cadillacs. Although the one ’59 was a 4 door an had a 3×2 carb setup on it that I missed out on owning by telling the dealership about it.
Anyway if you haunt the swap meets enough then you can scare up some old Caddy engine speed parts. We had a old Street Rod that showed up at our Fuddruckers show that had a early Caddy engine in it. It had a multi carb manifold on it that I know of and it had a real cool sound as it left the show going up Rt22. Really brought a cool old school vibe to the show without being a Rat Rod. It was more like a real deal old Street Rod from when this engine was a legitimate speed option for your car.
Guess it was before the Small Block Chevy had taken a strangle hold on every car out there. Kind of why I like the idea of old Cadillac engines and other things like a Buick Straight Eight in a car to be different
Classic Cadillac V8 engine just sitting around
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