Chain Drive ’59 Kenworth


Chain Drive ’59 Kenworth

Yes you read that right this 1959 Kenworth is a Chain Drive believe it or not 😕

Chain Drive Kenworth
Chain Drive Kenworth

So think about vehicles that you know of in 1959 and how a lot of the manufacturing had leveled out to the point that most of it is still used today. Main differences being modern fuel injection and Hybrid stuff but most things still hold true design wise.

Then you look at this Kenworth that while not being modern, it still looks like what you would expect an older truck to look like so to speak. That is until you come to the rear and see that it used chains but not even in the way that you would think they would be used 😯 Yeah it has a differential between the two axles located in front and in back of the driving unit 😕 Add design and you then have to think that the axles are on suspension but the driving axle it hard mounted to the frame so the chains must be whipping around hitting bumps 😕

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