Carlisle Cars first view of 2014


Got a view of the 2014 Carlisle Cars

Dropped off a ’65 Buick Wildcat and a ’68 Camaro both convertibles then went off to look at the Carlisle Cars first view of 2014. Some where nice some uh NOT 🙁

Classic Car
Clean Kaiser

Some of the first cars I saw weren’t exactly what I would call collector cars? A somewhat decent S10 that was somewhat loaded. Along with a 1989 FORD Fiesta of all things with a slightly ridiculous price. Then a 1980 Toyota Celica that was interesting to say the least. Then the last of them is a ’97 Neon Coupe off all things.

An interesting ’49 Desoto that looked like it could possibly be a car you could clean up a bit and then leave it as is?

Classic at Carlisle PA
’49 Desoto
Then a 1968 Ford F100 that had me wondering on it’s price. I had got a 1969 F100 with a Mercury 390 swapped into it for $450 that was way more solid than this truck. Of course I destroyed it by jumping it and bending it’s frame but, that was long ago. The price on this one is a bit insane considering the plastic in the bodywork.
Toyota Targa Top
Old School Imports

A few of the older cars were either very interesting or just pain gorgeous like the 1972 Challenger that was the same color combo as my old ’71 R/T Challenger. Of course it had no price on it at this point in time 🙁

Had a Challenger in same colors
Clean Challenger

Lastly there is a air ride Mazda Lowrider that is a bit dated too. Heck that old style was even after I got my F100 so it’s not exactly my kind of thing.
After those cars I wandered around some trucks that were getting ready to unload for their spots. Like one truck with a Y Block Ford and trans sitting strapped down next to a straight six Chevrolet engine. You know the same straight six we all used to throw in the trunk of a 4 door parts car for weight just to get rid of it and now they a worth something!

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