Actual STEAM Roller at Jacktown
Yes you call them Steam Rollers to this day even though they are powered by Diesel Engines pumping hydraulic fluid to a gear motor to move them.
Thats why it is so great to go to the Jacktown Show in Pennsylvania and see all the antique Hit n’ Miss and Steam Engines running for the weekend 🙂 Then you hear a Steam Whistle and next thing you know there is an actual Steam Roller chugging it’s way around the fair grounds!
Watching this thing rumble around the fair grounds you have to wonder just what it must have looked like steam rolling the roads back in the day. That or wonder if anyone ever got their foot run over by the massive Iron Wheels 😯 It is a hulking piece of equipment to say the least. You can feel it through the ground from a ways off it weighs so much. Oh and aside from that I didn’t see any form of brakes on it. I never thought of that as a kid playing with toy steam engines and stuff like that but after seeing one of these in real life it made me wonder? I have a video of a Tracked Dozer that runs down a hill and it does it real fast too!
Seeing how this has wheels and not tracks you would think it would start of a roll a lot easier? That and with how much this thing weighs how are you going to stop it once it starts getting any for of speed? All I can think is you put the engine in reverse so you can apply power to slow of stop it. Seeing as it has no brakes on it what else could be done to stop something that weighs more tonnage than most 18 wheelers 😕
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