Back Half Mark VIII Shakedown at E-town


Ran into this at Englishtown a few years ago

At the Shakedown at E-Town a few years ago walking around the pits I ran into this Back Half Mark VIII Shakedown at E-town sitting in the pits. Unfortunately I didn’t get to see it make any runs as I was stuck in the pits with my friends Lemans.

Front view of Mark VIII at the Shakedown at E-town in the pits
1st Gen Drag Mark VIII

Also would have liked to get to talk to the owner and get some decent info on the car at that point in time. Something like what times it was pulling or what engine it was running at the time too?

Very nice cage work in this Mark VIII  as seen in the pits at the Shakedown at E-town
It had a full interior

Would have loved if it was a M.O.D. engine but, at that point in time the Modulars weren’t being built up that much. Don’t think anyone had any Carburetor intakes for them at the time either or camshafts? Not to mention it wouldn’t be making any Horsepower without Boost in the form of a Turbo or Centrifugal Supercharger of some sorts.

Back Halved Mark VIII loaded into the trailer at Shakedown at E-town
Loaded up in the Trailer
I think I remember it have SVO stickers on it somewhere at the time. So who knows what it could have been running on that day?

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