So you know how you have always dreamed of having a 4×4 that could smoke all 4 tires at will? Well this Mud Bogger can do it on it’s transportation tires with ease 😛
OK so the truck is Supercharged so that help it a bit but it seems like it could use a Limited Slip in the font axle. Or even a Detroit Locker since it’s basically a Bogger and wont be seeing much street duty. Now before you ask as I have had people do this already 🙄 look closely and you will be able to see how he was able to do this burnout.
It is hooked to a chain to keep it from rolling forwards while doing this burnout. It’s not like he has the sheer power to just drop a clutch and boil the tires at a stand still 😯
No not by any means does it have this kind of power. Matter of fact if it had that kind of power then I would bet it would have broken the front hubs when it shocked the system starting to do the burnout. I mean think about the amount of shock the the front axle would feel with the weight of the engine on it and being asked to spin the tires from a stand still at the same time 🙁
So no it simply was chained to something stationary so he could smoke em up good. Of course he also put a set of tires that he most likely uses when the truck is trailered to what ever swamp bog the truck is used at. Because the big boggers that he most likely uses not only cost way to much to waste smoking them away like this but at the same time would put even more stress on the axles being so much larger in diameter with a bigger foot print for that much more traction 👿
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