1998 Honda Accord V-tech Dually
Yes you read that correctly 😯
So when you search on Craigslist for an Accord and see 1998 Honda Accord V-tech Dually in your search results does your jaw drop? Or do you stop to read the entire listing of specks and think could I actually use this as is?
I saw a picture of this and decided I had to search for it just to see if it was real or not? Seems to be a reality although not exactly one that I would think to be true 🙁
So aside from it having some simple add ons like Off Road Spot Lights, 44 inch off road and flood bar, Chevy visor, cab lights, 8 cb wips, back up beeper, boat air horns, custom paint, pa speaker, smoke stack exhaust, pintle hitch, rear dually and dually fenders and lastly Dodge tow mirrors.
So how much time did someone have on their hands to build such a creation is the real question here?
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