18th Spring Nats Etown NJ Drag Racing
18th Spring Nats Etown NJ Drag Racing
For the first few races I saw a Chevy Truck racing a Mercedes Benz of all things 😯 The Benz pulled a rather nice time to considering it is more known for luxury than Drag racing 😕
Next set of races things got a lil odd or strange 😕 I see a Honda Del sol racing something that I am not sure of what it is? Next we get yet another Del sol going up against a Mustang of all things. It could have been exciting if either car was more than they were. I actually saw a Sel Sol a while ago that pulled some pretty nice times. Just not today it would seem.
We next get to see a typical thing at events like this it would seem 🙁 We get a V8 S10 pulling up to the line along with a first get Toyota Supra.
They do their burnouts and then pull up to the line to do the run. What wait a minute they are told by the staging official to go back for some reason? I was looking down the track to see if anything was going on like parts were being picked up off the track or something like that but, nope I didn’t see anything. He then pushes them back to do burnouts again.
They go back and go through the motions again and get stopped yet again? I am not seeing what the deal is until they finally are able to make their run. All in all it wasn’t worth the wait for the most part but, I might be being a bit mean as they spent enough time for a rather low end run. I haven’t seen a 1st Get Supras pulling very good times at Englishtown for a while and this kept that the same.
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