1851 HP 2JZ using Manley Pistons and Rods
Lot of HP from a 6 Cylinder
So this 1851 HP 2JZ using Manley Pistons and Rods is quite incredible from the looks of it. With one of the main components being the Manley Turbo Tuff I Beam Rods and Pistons
One of the bigger deals to me is it is being done on an un-ported cylinder head!
Yes it is being force fed by a Garret 88MM GTX55 18R Turbocharger that makes things a lot easier you would think but, still it is an un-ported cylinder head 😯
There will be more to come on this engine seeing as one of the people that was there for the dyno runs also is at the Power and Speed podcast. So I may have an inside connection on this.
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